InstaTech Ltd.

Account: 5793594 Name: Ефременко Владимир Владимирович Currency: USD Leverage: 1:500 2017 November 2, 10:02
Closed Transactions:
Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit
1013340668 2017.11.01 00:27:06 balance ForexCopy Earning: 5927568 0.05
1009198233 2017.09.14 00:45:13 buy 0.01 eurusd 1.18911 1.19147 1.19822 2017.09.14 20:54:21 1.19147 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24
1009198241 2017.09.14 04:38:27 buy 0.01 eurusd 1.18741 1.19147 1.19822 2017.09.14 20:54:21 1.19147 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41
1009350434 2017.09.15 04:15:00 sell 0.01 eurusd 1.19052 1.19363 1.18755 2017.09.20 21:12:26 1.19363 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.31
1009350444 2017.09.15 09:33:41 sell 0.01 eurusd 1.19222 1.19363 1.18755 2017.09.20 21:12:28 1.19363 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.14
1009373973 2017.09.15 12:19:53 sell 0.03 eurusd 1.19511 1.19356 1.18755 2017.09.20 21:11:44 1.19356 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46
1009562637 2017.09.19 09:11:18 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.20002 1.19355 1.18755 2017.09.20 21:13:11 1.19458 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.36
1009802711 2017.09.20 21:15:00 sell 0.01 eurusd 1.19456 1.19262 1.17962 2017.09.20 21:16:59 1.19327 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13
1010000936 2017.09.22 14:15:02 sell 0.02 eurusd 1.19654 1.19455 1.18157 2017.09.22 19:58:08 1.19455 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40
1010092515 2017.09.25 09:45:02 sell 0.02 eurusd 1.19114 1.19112 1.17614 2017.09.25 09:55:04 1.19112 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01
1010231448 2017.09.26 09:33:49 buy 0.03 eurusd 1.18548 0.00000 1.20018 2017.09.26 09:33:56 1.18515 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.09
1010319880 2017.09.26 20:30:00 buy 0.02 eurusd 1.18029 1.18006 1.18733 2017.09.29 10:38:29 1.18006 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.05
1010319921 2017.09.27 02:49:42 buy 0.02 eurusd 1.17853 1.18006 1.18733 2017.09.29 10:38:29 1.18006 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30
1010340856 2017.09.27 10:01:31 buy 0.05 eurusd 1.17564 1.18000 1.18733 2017.09.29 10:39:33 1.18000 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.18
1010366534 2017.09.27 10:01:36 buy limit 0.13 eurusd 1.17073 0.00000 0.00000 2017.09.29 10:39:35 1.18031 cancelled
1010665089 2017.09.29 19:15:02 sell 0.02 eurusd 1.18052 1.17782 1.17134 2017.10.02 05:19:29 1.17782 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54
1010665099 2017.09.29 21:55:32 sell 0.02 eurusd 1.18222 1.17782 1.17134 2017.10.02 05:19:29 1.17782 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88
1010672551 2017.09.29 21:55:35 sell limit 0.05 eurusd 1.18511 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.02 05:19:32 1.17749 cancelled
1010772858 2017.10.02 15:30:11 buy 0.02 eurusd 1.17573 1.17544 1.18268 2017.10.03 14:27:54 1.17544 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.06
1010772909 2017.10.02 17:00:05 buy 0.02 eurusd 1.17403 1.17544 1.18268 2017.10.03 14:27:54 1.17544 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28
1010788922 2017.10.03 04:01:09 buy 0.05 eurusd 1.17114 1.17547 1.18268 2017.10.03 14:27:53 1.17547 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.17
1010827865 2017.10.03 04:01:16 buy limit 0.13 eurusd 1.16623 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.03 14:28:02 1.17577 cancelled
1010925266 2017.10.03 19:49:44 sell 0.03 eurusd 1.17515 1.17487 1.16021 2017.10.03 21:50:00 1.17487 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09
1010925267 2017.10.03 19:49:45 sell limit 0.03 eurusd 1.17685 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.03 21:50:08 1.17454 cancelled
1010943662 2017.10.04 03:15:06 buy 0.02 eurusd 1.17575 1.17705 1.19075 2017.10.04 03:53:59 1.17705 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26
1010943678 2017.10.04 03:15:07 buy limit 0.02 eurusd 1.17405 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.04 03:54:01 1.17739 cancelled
1010971821 2017.10.04 10:15:02 sell 0.02 eurusd 1.17510 1.17326 1.16593 2017.10.05 15:49:44 1.17326 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37
1010971831 2017.10.04 13:10:00 sell 0.02 eurusd 1.17680 1.17326 1.16593 2017.10.05 15:49:44 1.17326 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71
1010989639 2017.10.04 13:10:06 sell limit 0.05 eurusd 1.17969 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.05 15:49:48 1.17291 cancelled
1011162020 2017.10.06 00:05:53 buy limit 0.03 eurusd 1.16967 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.06 00:05:53 1.17139 cancelled
1011180440 2017.10.06 06:30:00 sell 0.03 eurusd 1.17016 1.16951 1.15516 2017.10.06 07:38:07 1.16951 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20
1011180450 2017.10.06 06:30:01 sell limit 0.03 eurusd 1.17186 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.06 07:38:20 1.16922 cancelled
1011203550 2017.10.06 12:45:04 buy 0.03 eurusd 1.17032 1.17056 1.18532 2017.10.06 13:59:44 1.17056 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07
1011203563 2017.10.06 12:45:05 buy limit 0.03 eurusd 1.16862 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.06 13:59:44 1.17087 cancelled
1011228214 2017.10.06 16:00:06 sell 0.03 eurusd 1.16891 0.00000 1.15391 2017.10.06 16:04:34 1.17004 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.34
1011228270 2017.10.06 16:00:13 sell 0.03 eurusd 1.16900 0.00000 1.15391 2017.10.06 16:11:30 1.16982 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.25
1011228281 2017.10.06 16:00:14 sell limit 0.03 eurusd 1.17070 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.06 16:11:20 1.16948 cancelled
1012185006 2017.10.18 18:15:05 buy 0.02 eurusd 1.17746 1.17958 1.19245 2017.10.19 11:08:56 1.17958 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43
1012185013 2017.10.18 18:15:05 buy limit 0.02 eurusd 1.17565 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.19 11:08:57 1.17981 cancelled
1012665892 2017.10.24 14:15:01 buy 0.03 eurusd 1.17649 1.17650 1.19149 2017.10.24 22:34:10 1.17650 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1012665902 2017.10.24 14:15:02 buy limit 0.03 eurusd 1.17469 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.24 22:34:10 1.17681 cancelled
1013364109 2017.11.01 08:11:12 sell 0.03 eurusd 1.16295 1.31184 1.14484 2017.11.01 08:11:17 1.16325 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.09
1009317319 2017.09.14 20:45:00 buy 0.01 gbpusd 1.33998 1.34292 1.34925 2017.09.15 10:51:30 1.34292 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29
1009317325 2017.09.15 01:03:18 buy 0.01 gbpusd 1.33858 1.34292 1.34925 2017.09.15 10:51:30 1.34292 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43
1009462075 2017.09.15 23:00:01 buy 0.01 gbpusd 1.35865 1.35914 1.37363 2017.09.15 23:16:13 1.35914 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04
1009489140 2017.09.18 05:00:00 buy 0.01 gbpusd 1.35880 1.35881 1.37380 2017.09.18 05:06:00 1.35881 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1009562589 2017.09.18 18:45:02 buy 0.01 gbpusd 1.35144 0.00000 1.37045 2017.09.18 18:45:25 1.35109 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.03
1009599317 2017.09.19 05:15:01 sell 0.01 gbpusd 1.35108 1.34899 1.34181 2017.09.19 12:07:05 1.34899 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21
1009599334 2017.09.19 07:35:05 sell 0.01 gbpusd 1.35248 1.34899 1.34181 2017.09.19 12:06:51 1.34899 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35
1009674855 2017.09.19 17:30:02 sell 0.01 gbpusd 1.34955 1.35089 1.34313 2017.09.20 21:28:31 1.35089 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.13
1009674864 2017.09.19 17:50:38 sell 0.01 gbpusd 1.35095 1.35089 1.34313 2017.09.20 21:29:52 1.35089 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01
1009676061 2017.09.20 11:30:09 sell 0.03 gbpusd 1.35501 1.35091 1.34313 2017.09.20 21:29:53 1.35091 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.23
1009848965 2017.09.21 04:30:00 sell 0.01 gbpusd 1.34798 1.34771 1.34154 2017.09.22 23:36:21 1.34771 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03
1009848976 2017.09.21 05:59:49 sell 0.01 gbpusd 1.34938 1.34771 1.34154 2017.09.22 23:36:21 1.34771 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17
1009857377 2017.09.21 17:58:06 sell 0.03 gbpusd 1.35344 1.34763 1.34154 2017.09.22 23:36:21 1.34763 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.74
1010041573 2017.09.22 23:45:00 sell 0.01 gbpusd 1.34561 1.34538 1.33917 2017.09.25 19:38:55 1.34538 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02
1010041602 2017.09.22 23:47:14 sell 0.01 gbpusd 1.34701 1.34538 1.33917 2017.09.25 19:38:55 1.34538 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16
1010042059 2017.09.25 01:21:39 sell 0.03 gbpusd 1.35107 1.34540 1.33917 2017.09.25 19:38:57 1.34540 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.70
1010223701 2017.09.26 08:15:13 sell 0.02 gbpusd 1.34752 1.34332 1.33818 2017.09.26 15:14:51 1.34332 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84
1010223705 2017.09.26 09:37:22 sell 0.02 gbpusd 1.34892 1.34332 1.33818 2017.09.26 15:14:52 1.34332 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.12
1010293304 2017.09.26 17:30:01 sell 0.03 gbpusd 1.34209 1.34186 1.32711 2017.09.26 18:40:54 1.34186 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07
1010334797 2017.09.27 01:30:02 sell 0.02 gbpusd 1.34562 1.34474 1.33062 2017.09.27 02:51:45 1.34474 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17
1010404635 2017.09.27 15:45:01 sell 0.02 gbpusd 1.33839 1.33710 1.32910 2017.09.28 10:20:17 1.33710 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26
1010404685 2017.09.27 16:31:14 sell 0.02 gbpusd 1.33979 1.33710 1.32910 2017.09.28 10:20:17 1.33710 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54
1010509720 2017.09.28 11:45:01 sell 0.02 gbpusd 1.33494 1.33050 1.32850 2017.10.02 15:08:28 1.32850 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.29
1010509745 2017.09.28 11:57:48 sell 0.02 gbpusd 1.33634 1.33050 1.32850 2017.10.02 15:08:28 1.32850 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.57
1010511810 2017.09.28 13:40:23 sell 0.06 gbpusd 1.34040 1.33050 1.32850 2017.10.02 15:08:28 1.32850 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.14
1010520895 2017.09.28 13:40:25 sell limit 0.19 gbpusd 1.35217 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.02 15:08:31 1.32829 cancelled
1010798976 2017.10.02 18:00:01 sell 0.03 gbpusd 1.32745 1.32731 1.31245 2017.10.02 18:13:36 1.32731 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05
1010799051 2017.10.02 18:00:04 sell limit 0.03 gbpusd 1.32885 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.02 18:13:37 1.32693 cancelled
1010814548 2017.10.03 00:16:02 sell 0.03 gbpusd 1.32766 1.32509 1.31266 2017.10.03 04:04:10 1.32509 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77
1010814559 2017.10.03 00:16:04 sell limit 0.03 gbpusd 1.32906 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.03 04:04:13 1.32479 cancelled
1010874324 2017.10.03 12:00:02 sell 0.03 gbpusd 1.32456 1.31962 1.31529 2017.10.05 10:52:18 1.31962 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.48
1010874374 2017.10.03 13:43:50 sell 0.03 gbpusd 1.32603 1.31962 1.31529 2017.10.05 10:52:18 1.31962 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.92
1010887999 2017.10.03 13:43:54 sell limit 0.10 gbpusd 1.33009 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.05 10:52:21 1.31933 cancelled
1011156161 2017.10.05 21:00:01 sell 0.03 gbpusd 1.31185 1.31169 1.29685 2017.10.05 22:57:50 1.31169 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05
1011156182 2017.10.05 21:00:03 sell limit 0.03 gbpusd 1.31325 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.05 22:58:02 1.31139 cancelled
1011169158 2017.10.06 02:30:02 sell 0.03 gbpusd 1.31089 1.30970 1.29589 2017.10.06 03:42:31 1.30970 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36
1011169169 2017.10.06 02:30:02 sell limit 0.03 gbpusd 1.31229 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.06 03:42:40 1.30940 cancelled
1011224869 2017.10.06 15:45:02 sell 0.04 gbpusd 1.30383 0.00000 1.29462 2017.10.06 16:04:46 1.30577 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.78
1011224894 2017.10.06 16:01:31 sell 0.04 gbpusd 1.30540 0.00000 1.29462 2017.10.06 16:11:25 1.30562 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.09
1011228598 2017.10.06 16:01:34 sell limit 0.13 gbpusd 1.30946 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.06 16:11:18 1.30539 cancelled
1011742235 2017.10.13 04:00:02 buy 0.04 gbpusd 1.32729 1.32740 1.34229 2017.10.13 05:39:42 1.32740 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04
1011742272 2017.10.13 04:00:03 buy limit 0.04 gbpusd 1.32589 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.13 05:39:43 1.32774 cancelled
1011760616 2017.10.13 10:00:00 buy 0.04 gbpusd 1.33080 1.33149 1.34580 2017.10.13 10:45:47 1.33149 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28
1011760651 2017.10.13 10:00:01 buy limit 0.04 gbpusd 1.32940 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.13 10:45:48 1.33177 cancelled
1011817055 2017.10.13 16:00:02 buy 0.01 gbpusd 1.33065 1.33282 1.34565 2017.10.13 16:21:28 1.33282 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21
1011817139 2017.10.13 16:00:06 buy limit 0.01 gbpusd 1.32925 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.13 16:21:29 1.33305 cancelled
1011838023 2017.10.13 19:15:06 buy 0.01 gbpusd 1.33089 1.32044 1.32822 2017.10.23 09:32:17 1.32044 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.05
1011838035 2017.10.13 20:05:13 buy 0.01 gbpusd 1.32949 1.32044 1.32822 2017.10.23 09:32:17 1.32044 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.91
1011841679 2017.10.16 15:33:55 buy 0.03 gbpusd 1.32543 1.32057 1.32822 2017.10.23 09:30:53 1.32057 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.46
1011929092 2017.10.19 11:30:36 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.31366 1.32035 1.32822 2017.10.23 09:32:31 1.32035 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.69
1012276996 2017.10.19 11:30:40 buy limit 0.32 gbpusd 1.27952 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.23 09:32:36 1.32061 cancelled
1012565539 2017.10.23 15:30:01 buy 0.02 gbpusd 1.31842 1.31932 1.32771 2017.10.23 21:13:44 1.31932 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18
1012565559 2017.10.23 16:09:57 buy 0.02 gbpusd 1.31702 1.31932 1.32771 2017.10.23 21:13:44 1.31932 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46
1012568172 2017.10.23 16:10:03 buy limit 0.06 gbpusd 1.31296 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.23 21:13:46 1.31964 cancelled
1012595730 2017.10.23 22:45:14 buy 0.02 gbpusd 1.32063 1.32145 1.33563 2017.10.24 05:15:52 1.32145 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16
1012595741 2017.10.23 22:45:16 buy limit 0.02 gbpusd 1.31923 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.24 05:15:58 1.32178 cancelled
1012736351 2017.10.25 03:00:00 sell 0.02 gbpusd 1.31286 1.31237 1.29788 2017.10.25 09:56:09 1.31237 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10
1012736364 2017.10.25 03:00:01 sell limit 0.02 gbpusd 1.31428 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.25 09:56:10 1.31206 cancelled
1012865229 2017.10.25 21:45:04 buy 0.02 gbpusd 1.32592 1.32673 1.34092 2017.10.26 03:23:32 1.32673 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17
1012865237 2017.10.25 21:45:04 buy limit 0.02 gbpusd 1.32452 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.26 03:23:33 1.32701 cancelled
1012935170 2017.10.26 14:45:01 buy 0.02 gbpusd 1.32306 0.00000 1.32938 2017.10.31 06:12:39 1.32022 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.57
1012935201 2017.10.26 14:48:40 buy 0.02 gbpusd 1.32152 0.00000 1.32938 2017.10.31 06:12:37 1.32022 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.26
1012938205 2017.10.26 17:26:20 buy 0.06 gbpusd 1.31746 0.00000 1.32938 2017.10.31 06:12:37 1.32022 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.65
1012976449 2017.10.26 17:26:24 buy limit 0.19 gbpusd 1.30569 0.00000 0.00000 2017.10.31 06:12:52 1.32052 cancelled
  0.00 0.00 0.00 41.83
Closed P/L: 41.83
Open Trades:
Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P   Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit
1013226235 2017.10.30 17:45:11 sell 0.02 eurusd 1.16110 0.00000 1.15416   1.16562 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.90
1013226246 2017.10.30 18:48:26 sell 0.02 eurusd 1.16290 0.00000 1.15416   1.16562 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.54
1013231694 2017.10.30 22:58:35 sell 0.06 eurusd 1.16560 0.00000 1.15416   1.16562 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01
1013376592 2017.11.01 11:00:00 buy 0.03 eurusd 1.16536 1.16387 1.18085   1.16532 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01
1013376634 2017.11.01 15:25:02 buy 0.03 eurusd 1.16236 1.16387 1.18085   1.16532 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89
  0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.57
  Floating P/L: -0.57
Working Orders:
Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Market Price  
1013248525 2017.10.30 22:58:42 sell limit 0.17 eurusd 1.16965 0.00000 0.00000   1.16532 OPR_30903_A9_New_EURUSD
1013403025 2017.11.01 15:25:03 buy limit 0.08 eurusd 1.15726 1.01536 0.00000   1.16562 Key MM евро H1
Deposit/Withdrawal: 60.61 Credit Facility: 0.00  
Closed Trade P/L: 41.83 Floating P/L: -0.57 Margin: 1.63
Balance: 102.44 Equity: 101.87 Free Margin: 100.24
Gross Profit: 48.44 Gross Loss: 6.61 Total Net Profit: 41.83
Profit Factor: 7.33 Expected Payoff: 0.54  
Absolute Drawdown: 0.00 Maximal Drawdown: 3.92 (4.39%) Relative Drawdown: 4.39% (3.92)
Total Trades: 77 Short Positions (won %): 45 (82.22%) Long Positions (won %): 32 (71.88%)
Profit Trades (% of total): 60 (77.92%) Loss trades (% of total): 17 (22.08%)
Largest profit trade: 7.14 loss trade: -1.46
Average profit trade: 0.81 loss trade: -0.39
Maximum consecutive wins ($): 11 (5.79) consecutive losses ($): 4 (-1.46)
Maximal consecutive profit (count): 16.89 (10) consecutive loss (count): -3.42 (3)
Average consecutive wins: 6 consecutive losses: 2